Any time you’re taking out a loan, numbers matter. This includes your credit score. If yours is sub-par or non-existent, talking to lenders might seem like an intimidating endeavor. After all, most will consider your score as they review your application. Still, there are plenty of ways you can assure your creditworthiness, even as you work …
credit score
Feeling overwhelmed and consumed by debt? If so, debt and credit consolidation programs can help. These combine all of your individual loans into one new loan (often with a lower interest rate), making your monthly obligations that much more manageable. While resourceful tools, these programs can actually loosen your financial footing if you don’t handle them the right way. …
The American public is swamped with credit card debt. The average person has nearly $6,200 in outstanding credit card debt. One of the problems with carrying credit card debt is high-interest rates. The average Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on a credit card is nearly 15%. With an APR this high, consumers are paying hundreds, if not thousands, …